Dental Implants in Orange, CA

A missing tooth means you're missing out on more than just smiling. It can have a negative impact on your confidence and your overall well being, too. Dental implants can help you eat, laugh, and talk with ease once again.

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Why should I choose dental implants?

After losing a tooth or having one extracted, it’s important to consider all your replacement options. Dental implants can restore the functionality of your bite and improve your overall oral health. As one of the most secure and long-lasting tooth replacement options available, dental implants act as a natural part of your smile and replace that missing tooth you’ve been hiding.

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Did you know…

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Unlike dentures which require replacements, dental implants can potentially last a lifetime.

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No Guess-Work, More Comfort

With cone-beam computed tomography, or CBCT technology, we give our patients peace of mind. This reliable technology ensures precise placement for increased patient comfort and better overall outcomes. Our imaging studies are free of cost to you.

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American Board of Oral Implantology Certified

Dr. Olmos is a proud board-certified implantologist. Rest assured, your smile is in expert hands.

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ICOI Fellowship Recipient

Dr. Olmos is proud to hold a Fellowship with the International Congress of Oral Implantologists. This prestigious title is only awarded to the best of the best after rigorous training and credentialing.

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ICOI Mastership Recipient

Dr. Olmos is proud to hold a Mastership with the International Congress of Oral Implantologists. This prestigious title is only awarded to the best of the best after rigorous training and credentialing.

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ICOI Diplomate

Dr. Olmos is proud to be a Diplomate with the International Congress of Oral Implantologists. This title is the highest level of recognition from the ICOI. Diplomate status is only awarded members that have surpassed Fellowship and Mastership status.

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Pathway-Trained Provider

Dr. Olmos is passionate about staying up to date on the latest treatment methods and technology. That’s why they have attended advanced courses and live training through The Pathway, one of the nation’s most renowned continuing education courses for dental implants.

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3D Printing for Accurate Surgery

Our 3D printer produces a precise and seamless surgical experience. Due to the efficiency of the 3D printer, your surgery will be quicker, more comfortable, and will produce optimal results. All the guess work is removed and the final outcome is idealized with guided implant surgery.

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Get Started On The Right Path!

We are honored that you’ve chosen us to help you regain your oral health. To show our gratitude, we are offering our patients an exclusive dental implant special. Get the high-quality care your smile deserves today.

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Call (714) 771-7474 today!

Before & After

A smile is worth 1,000 words.

See real patient success stories.

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The Benefits of Dental Implants

Unparalleled Comfort

Implants function and feel just like natural teeth so you can brush, floss, and eat normally.

Natural Look

Your implant will be crafted to fit seamlessly with your smile and will look exactly like a real tooth.

Preserve Your Oral Health

Implants are made of biocompatible titanium which fuses to your jaw, thus preventing bone deterioration associated with tooth loss.

The Implant Treatment Process

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Once you’ve been approved for treatment, your doctor will schedule your oral surgery appointment and provide a surgical plan. During the surgery, your doctor will make an incision in your gum tissue to securely place a dental implant in the jaw. Next, the area will be cleaned and sutures will be placed to begin the healing process.

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Healing & Osseointegration

Your gums and jawbone will begin to heal once your implant has been placed. After 1-2 weeks, the incision site will be healed, but it will take 3-6 months for the implant to permanently bond with your jaw bone through a process called osseointegration. To ensure you are healing properly, we will see you for a couple of check ups during the osseointegration process.

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Applying the Restoration

The final step in the implant treatment process is the restoration. Your restoration, or prosthetic dental crown, will be custom crafted to match your smile and securely affixed to the titanium implant. Once your new tooth is in place, your smile will be complete!

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Frequently Asked Questions

In some cases, you may be able to get an implant in just one day, depending on the type of implant you will be receiving. In these cases, the restoration your doctor provides will be a temporary appliance to keep your tooth healthy and functional until you have fully healed from your dental implant placement surgery. With your temporary restoration, you’ll be able to speak and eat normally during the healing process.

Your doctor will schedule a series of follow-up appointments to track your healing process and take impressions of your teeth. These impressions will help the lab create your custom-made restoration. Your permanent restoration will be durable and more natural-looking than your temporaries. We recommend coming in for a consultation to see what type of dental implant might work best for you.

Yes, dental implants can become infected, but this is a very rare complication. This type of infection is known as “peri-implantitis,” and usually only occurs if the implant is not kept clean or is not properly cared for after surgery.

Follow your doctor’s instructions while recovering, and be sure to brush and floss regularly after your implant has healed to avoid peri-implantitis and maintain a healthy implant.

Titanium dental implants are made in trusted laboratories that supply a wide selection of pre-selected standard post sizes. The restoration, on the other hand, is a custom-made appliance. This ensures each patient gets a result that meets their exact needs. Your doctor will either make your dental implant in-house using a milling machine, or they will send detailed impressions to a partner lab.

This lab will create a long-lasting, resilient dental implant restoration just for you. Most crowns are crafted out of porcelain which is durable and looks uniquely similar to tooth enamel. Once the crown is ready, the lab will send it back to our office, and we will complete the procedure by securely attaching your implant crown in place.

Yes. After losing a tooth, your jaw will no longer be stimulated by the natural pressure of chewing and biting. This causes bone loss to occur and also weakens the jaw bone.

When the dental implant post is placed, it will bond directly into the jaw bone and act as an artificial tooth root. This titanium “tooth root” transmits the force of chewing and biting through the dental crown and into your jaw bone just like a real tooth would, keeping it healthy and strong.

When placed properly and maintained with care, dental implants can last for 30 years or more. In fact, It’s quite common for patients to keep their implants for the rest of their lives.

The implant restoration, however, may not last as long. Restorations such as dental crowns or overdentures take on regular wear and tear from chewing, biting, and more. After time, the restoration may need to be replaced to keep your smile healthy and functional. By coming in for regular exams, your dentist can check to ensure your restoration is in good condition.

All-on-4 implants are great for patients who are looking to replace an entire arch of teeth. By using just 4 implants, your entire upper or lower set of teeth can be replaced in as little as one appointment. All-on-4 is more permanent and natural-looking than dentures, and usually costs less than replacing each tooth individually.

Single tooth implants are the most-frequently used dental implant and are made up of two main parts. The first is the dental implant, which is a titanium rod with a screw-like shape. The second part is the dental crown, or restoration, which will be attached to the titanium rod. This dental crown reinstates the shape, function, and appearance of your natural tooth. Unlike a partial denture, single-tooth implants are extremely durable and never move or shift.

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